Selected Press and Publications:
The Forward | October 30, 2023
“The title for most visually stunning ‘Constant Craving’ short would have to go to Mindy Stricke’s ‘Melting Point’...the colorful and abstract images turn the sex act into a glorious explosion of riotous motion and color. Instead of the two women having to fake getting turned on for the camera, the images of their body heat lets the viewer see the reality of their physical arousal. The result is a piece whose images happily occupy the liminal space between surface concealment and visual abstraction.”
Beyond Chron | June 20, 2022
“Celebrate the Holidays with Cheese Pancakes and a Performance by Taylor Mac”
The New York Times | December 6, 2020
“Image-Makers in Residence: Sizing Up Gender” (Ben Barry, Calla Evans, May Friedman and Mindy Stricke)
The Sociological Review | November 2020
“Mapping The Places You Played Outside as a Kid”
Free-Range Kids | July 7, 2017
“Grief Landscapes”
An interview
What’s Your Grief | May 24, 2016
“Grief Landscapes”
As an artist, it’s an intimate and risky exchange to make something based on someone else’s grief. But I’d rather attempt to connect and engage than to turn away.
Modern Loss | April 18, 2016
"Landing Gear at the Harbourfront CC"
Toronto Star | October 13, 2013
“artSCENE: Landing Gear and Early Motherhood” | September 27, 2013
"Mindy Stricke launches ‘Landing Gear’ as part of ‘Greetings from Motherland" | September 20, 2013
At the Table: Mothers Sharing Stories Through Art
A documentary short about the Greetings From Motherland project, Good Eater, by Brijetta Hall Waller
Wisconsin Film Festival, 2011